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Consulting services

More is an integrated strategy consulting company, a laboratory where skills and energies come together to research and develop ideas and projects.

We develop an independent point of view and offer critical thinking on issues raised by our clients to support them with change management, people development and the definition of organisational models.


Our vision

Our analysis and our recommendations are always objective and factual, with the goal of helping our clients seize opportunities and solve problems. We invest in building knowledge and bring the most innovative thinking to projects and training workshops. We work together as a team alongside our clients in all phases of a project. We like to share expertise and bring results that create value for our clients. We build relationships based on trust and respect. The quality of our work, our professionalism and our level of commitment form the building blocks of these relationships.


We support companies through change processes and in the definition and implementation of strategies by integrating organisational skills with HR management policies. We work in a systemic way with respect to the variables and dimensions of organisational success. We design the architectures and develop talents.

La Roche Che Vorrei

Abbiamo supportato la prima linea manageriale di Roche nella definizione e condivisione di un piano d’azione (La Roche che vorrei), finalizzato a sostenere il posizionamento dell’Azienda verso l’universo degli stakeholder: interlocutori del sistema salute ma anche media e opinione pubblica. Piano di azione costituito da iniziative concrete, integrate, con precise scadenze e responsabilità e coerenti con l’Agenda Strategica Roche.

Assessment Organizzativo In Field Integration

Il progetto ha messo al centro della riflessione il meccanismo d’integrazione territoriale tra Area Manager e Key Account Manager nella gestione di clienti complessi come le autorità sanitarie locali (Regioni, Aziende Ospedaliere, ASL, ..). Abbiamo ridisegnato i meccanismi d’integrazione nel field e di dialogo territorio-sede, ricercando l’equilibrio tra prospettiva di field ed esigenze dei brand. Sono state definite responsabilità e competenze per favorire il deployment del nuovo assetto.


Già partner di Chiesi nel ridisegno del modello di servizio della Direzione Acquisti, abbiamo supportato l’integrazione con la funzione di Procurement industriale. Integrazione finalizzata a massimizzare l’efficienza nella gestione di tutte le categorie d’acquisto. Partendo dalla classificazione dei beni e servizi acquistati dall’area industriale in base a importanza e reperibilità, abbiamo ridisegnato i processi di acquisto e definito le soluzioni organizzative più idonee per l’integrazione.


Avevamo già supportato Roche nel disegno dell’Organizzazione Regionale. Il successivo progetto ha messo al centro la riflessione sulle chiavi con cui leggere i provvedimenti delle autorità sanitarie (Regioni, AO, ASL, ..), per individuare spazi di collaborazione sui temi della sostenibilità delle terapie e costruire la access value proposition. Insieme alle figure chiave di field e di sede, abbiamo inoltre finalizzato i meccanismi di integrazione dei ruoli di field verso i clienti istituzionali.

MSL Road Map

Con Boehringer Ingelheim abbiamo realizzato un progetto finalizzato a raccogliere, sia dagli stakeholder interni che dagli interlocutori esterni (opinion leader clinici), le aspettative e le percezioni rispetto al ruolo ed al contributo del Medical Scientific Liaison. Elementi attraverso i quali è stata definita una Road Map per il ruolo di MSL, indicando le aree di evoluzione e di cambiamento in termini di responsabilità, mission e competenze chiave.

Integrated Product Strategy

Abbiamo sviluppato un assessment organizzativo costituito da due progettualità: la prima finalizzata a comprendere le aspettative verso Market Access e Medical Affairs coerentemente al ciclo di vita dei prodotti, definire le aree di responsabilità dei ruoli e i possibili assetti organizzativi; la seconda finalizzata a definire meccanismi di integrazione delle competenze di Marketing, Medical Affairs e Market Access a livello di sede (Integrated Strategy) e territoriale (In-Field Integration).

KAM Excellence

We supported Novartis in creating a development path for the skills necessary for the role of KAM. After reviewing the skills profile for the role, we ran a Development Lab where KAMs worked on a Business Case related to the issue of access so that their skill levels could be rated. Based on the information gathered in this D-Lab, we then supported Novartis in the creation of a Training Plan for KAMs.

Evaluation Designing

As part of the organisational redesign of the Regional Offices, we supported the State Property Office in the management of their job posting process. Based on the job characteristics of the new organisational positions, we defined target profiles and identified individual skills to evaluate. We designed the assessment process for individuals and formulated different tests. We trained the internal assessors so that they were able to manage the entire process.

Modello Competenze Manageriali GEP

Abbiamo accompagnato la Business Unit Pfizer GEP in un percorso di sviluppo della leadership e guida del cambiamento, ricercando inoltre la diffusione di una omogenea cultura della valutazione delle competenze. I nostri laboratori sono stati il luogo in cui i manager GEP hanno identificato le competenze dei ruoli professionali dell’area Sales, dai Reps fino ai Sales e Regional Manager, definendo i comportamenti operativi, utili come indicatori per la valutazione.

Succession Management

Già partner di Astellas da diversi anni nella gestione di assessment di valutazione e sviluppo, abbiamo disegnato un percorso di succession management per il ruolo di First Line Sales Manager con l’obiettivo di identificare e crescere un pool di professionisti in grado di ricoprire, a tendere, il ruolo di management di territorio. Abbiamo progettato il processo, gestito gli assessment, mappato le risorse in termini di prontezza e spendibilità organizzativa. Stiamo seguendo il loro sviluppo.

Assessment per lo sviluppo organizzativo

Già partner di AstraZeneca nella gestione degli assessment, quest’anno abbiamo condotto più di 200 interventi di valutazione, che ci hanno consentito di fornire all’Azienda una mappa delle risorse e delle potenzialità presenti, in termini di prontezza e di spendibilità. I colloqui hanno permesso ad AstraZeneca di fare scelte mirate in merito alle persone e al loro sviluppo, accompagnandola nell’identificazione delle risorse di maggior potenziale rispetto alle opportunità dell’organizzazione.


Per il secondo anno consecutivo, abbiamo coinvolto i leader globali di DiaSorin nello sviluppo della leadership. Ci siamo confrontati con esempi di leadership interni ed esterni all'Azienda, utilizzando lo Strengths Finder come strumento di identificazione e valorizzazione dei talenti individuali. Abbiamo mappato i talenti di VPs, Directors e Managers, identificandoli come pilastri di un modello di leadership globale. Il DiaSorin Leadership Model ha costituito l’ispirazione dell’intero progetto.

Managing The E.R. Phase

Abbiamo accompagnato Boehringer Ingelheim nella fase di cambiamento del modello di business, fornendo strumenti per rafforzare le basi manageriali. Abbiamo supportato il management per affrontare la sfida con consapevolezza, spiegare le ragioni del cambiamento, lavorare sull’empowerment, parlare e mettersi in ascolto delle persone, orientare le priorità e le urgenze, diffondere il concetto di accountability a tutti i livelli dell’organizzazione, veicolare messaggi condivisi ed univoci.

Piano Formativo Integrato

Abbiamo supportato Angelini nell’acquisizione degli strumenti fondamentali per un efficace account management. 23 edizioni in tutta Italia, 261 partecipanti, per fornire una modalità di lavoro condivisa e strumenti utili in contesti complessi: l’analisi dei dati quali-quantitativi ospedalieri, la mappatura degli stakeholders, la realizzazione di action plan per la definizione degli obiettivi e l’organizzazione delle attività.

Account Management Lab

Con Thermo Fisher abbiamo realizzato un laboratorio formativo sulle tematiche della gestione dell’account ospedaliero. Percorso finalizzato a sviluppare le competenze di analisi dell’Account e la capacità di ideare e presentare progettualità coerenti al contesto ospedaliero ed ai suoi bisogni, secondo un approccio strutturato e attraverso chiavi di lettura che, oltre alla dimensione medico-scientifica, guardino anche ai processi gestionali e decisionali dell’ospedale.


Abbiamo accompagnato Angelini nel lancio di un nuovo prodotto: dal laboratorio marketing con la field force per ragionare insieme sul suo posizionamento, al percorso di teasing per coinvolgere e motivare gli informatori, fino all’evento di lancio vero e proprio. Tachifene – la Nostra Essenza, in cui il più famoso Naso d’Italia ci ha accompagnati nel creare dei profumi, mettendo insieme due essenze di base, proprio come Tachifene: semplice, veloce, efficace, durevole.

Laboratori Didattici & Video GMROI

Abbiamo coinvolto Pfizer in un laboratorio esperienziale di simulazioni e role playing per esercitarsi sul colloquio con il farmacista. Abbiamo proposto variabili e imprevisti per rendere le simulate reali scenari dove sperimentare le proprie competenze comunicative e relazionali. Con il patrocinio di FederFarma abbiamo realizzato un video di supporto per veicolare i messaggi chiave al farmacista (Ottimizzare gli acquisti per massimizzare la redditività della Farmacia).


Anche quest’anno abbiamo curato la Riunione Nazionale di Angelini: “Elevazione”. Un evento in cui abbiamo accompagnato 400 persone nella riflessione sul proprio valore professionale e sulle leve necessarie per affrontare le sfide del 2016. Abbiamo costruito un aeroplano, lo abbiamo decorato con le nostre riflessioni e lo abbiamo caricato con il nostro bagaglio professionale. Un’occasione di scambio e di confronto, oltre che un momento di team building e di divertimento.


Un team building diverso, che porta valore al gruppo e alle persone, per un’Azienda che dà senso a quello che fa! Abbiamo accompagnato le persone della Ricerca Clinica di Novo Nordisk a lavorare meglio insieme per fornire valore. Una casa famiglia ha accolto il nostro contributo. Abbiamo costruito dei gazebo in legno, ristrutturato tavoli, sedie, un barbecue, abbiamo rimesso in piedi la staccionata dell’orto. Abbiamo faticato, ci siamo divertiti, sappiamo di aver dato valore.

Reportage, Video, Cartone Animato

Nel 2015 abbiamo accompagnato DiaSorin i diversi progetti di sviluppo; per molti di essi abbiamo curato la rappresentazione ed il trasferimento del significato attraverso la gestione della comunicazione. Abbiamo girato video sui valori, coinvolgendo il Top Management, come registi ed attori; abbiamo documentato gli eventi con reportage fotografici; abbiamo realizzato un cartone animato sulla storia e i valori dell’Azienda.

Our approach to organisational analysis is aimed at finding a balance between innovation and consolidated value, in order to define, together with our clients, the most effective and competitive organisational solutions to face market challenges. This choice of approach allows us to develop organisational models that are coherent and aware of the changing scenarios, by aligning the many variables needed to make a high-performance organisation: Organisational Structure, Processes, Accountability and Governance.
We identify the specific skills that make a company competitive and we design performance assessment models to help align business objectives with individual and collective inputs and responsibilities.
We design paths for the recognition and development of the "most talented” people and we help them become tangible tools to generate value.
We carry out assessments and run development workshops that are in line with the dynamics of the organisation.
We support people through change processes, always looking to align organisational growth with professional development needs.
We design training initiatives based on an understanding of the changing dynamics of business and professional responsibilities, offering unique learning experiences which allow space for discussion and debate. We develop coaching programs to support managerial effectiveness.
Officina is the workshop that More devotes to unconventional training projects and to the instances where an organisation is required to present itself and communicate its motives, vision and objectives. Officina is the place where we help companies involve their people in times of change, when the contribution of individuals is the key to success.
The result are moments for discussion and growth that generate opportunities to express individual energies in support of team goals.

We adopt a multidisciplinary approach and we define, with our clients, the most adequate methodologies, finding the best solutions to enable growth and competitivity. DISCOVER OUR SOLUTIONS


More resulted from bringing together different professional backgrounds and experiences; it’s a meeting place for people who have come from Italian and multinational consulting companies, from enterprises and from the communication area. These backgrounds are reflected in the details of our projects and help build an environment where ideas are born and made.

Carlo Palmieri is the Managing Director and co-founder of More Laboratorio di Organizzazione.

As an established and strategic client partner for some of the most important companies in the business landscape, he supports companies in the design and implementation of projects aimed at the constant pursuit of competitiveness. The analysis and design of strategic assets (organisational structures and development, governance and business models, decision-making processes, skills and occupations) are his main areas of specialisation.

With a degree in Economics, he has been working and building expertise as a consultant in organisational development and human resources since 1997, enabling him to support major domestic and multinational companies through significant organisational change projects.

After having worked for a leading Italian consultancy firm, where he became partner and head of four business areas (Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Healthcare, and Telecommunications and Media), he decided, in 2007, to make the move into global HR consulting at Towers Perrin where he took on responsibility for HR at the Rome office.

Carlo is a professor at LUISS Business School.

In 2009 he set up More.

Giovanna Venturini is a partner and co-founder of More Laboratorio di Organizzazione.

She develops and manages projects related to the main areas of organisational and professional development, integrating organisational and HR development skills at international level and with multicultural teams.

She supports businesses through the processes of change, designing performance evaluation models and working alongside management to define the tools necessary to identify the most talented people.

Giovanna designs and manages assessments and d-labs and helps people along their training, development and coaching paths.

After graduating in Sociology in Rome, she studied in London at the London School of Economics & Political Science where she acquired skills in psychology and organisational development.

She gained extensive professional experience in HR consulting at RSO and Towers Perrin, before setting up More.

Giovanna is an ICF (International Coach Federation) ACC (Associate Corporate Coach) certified Coach.

She is also trained to interpret and apply the Hogan Suite (HPI, HDI, MVPI) and is an MBTI Certified Practitioner.

Carmela De Michele is Senior Consultant in More Laboratorio di Organizzazione.

She works in the Performance and People areas, coordinating assessment and development projects, coaching and training.

She has developed articulated methodologies and projects that integrate the different tools of assessment, feedback management, training and coaching. She carries out training and development of managerial skills through the "coach approach" and experiential learning techniques.

Carmela has more than 1,500 hours of practice in coaching, gained by supporting managers in individual group and team coaching courses at Italian and multinational companies.

She is a lecturer of the Advanced Training Course "Organizational Coaching Psychologist" - European University of Rome, Society for Coaching Psycology Italy, International Society for Coaching Psycology and of the Master of Training in Business Coaching (Business Coaching Lab) of WE+Network.

Before joining More, she gained extensive professional experience in the HR area at RSO as Senior Consultant and Project Manager, where she managed assessment and development projects, training and coaching. Previously, Carmela managed the training, selection and development activities at Infocamere.

Carmela graduated in Psychology at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome and perfected her training with a master's degree in Human Resource Management in Organizations.  She is qualified to practice the profession of Psychologist, registered in the Professional Register of Psychologists of Lazio since 1996.

Since 2010 she is a certified PCC (Professional Corporate Coach) - ICF (International Coaching Federation) Certified Coach.

In 2021 she acquired the Systemic Team Coaching Certificate – AoEC (Academy of Executive Coaching).

Nicola Leone is Consultant at More Laboratorio di Organizzazione

After obtaining his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, with a thesis in organizational management, Nicola continued his studies by obtaining a degree in Economics and Management at Tor Vergata University of Rome, with a particular focus on the health, marketing, and communication sectors.

In his professional career, he managed digital marketing communications for Minnovo.it for over two years and served as a Program Manager at the Master in Sports Marketing and Management.

As PhD at Tor Vergata University of Rome, he provided lectures in several courses and participated as a speaker in national and international academic conferences.

Lorenzo Marolla is Senior Consultant in More Laboratorio di Organizzazione.

He graduated in Economics at Bocconi University and attended the Double Degree Program at Sciences Po University, Paris. He also holds a Second Level Specialized Master from SDA Bocconi.

Over the years, he has worked in both the private and public sectors, managing and coordinating Marketing Intelligence projects, and he has developed solid skills in business processes analysis and the configuration of information systems.

He held the role of Economic Advisor at the Central State Administration.

In More Lorenzo works on change management projects, facilitating groups in the design and implementation of organizational solutions and in the development of the skills necessary to support the challenges of transformation and change.

Laura Consorti is a consultant in More Laboratorio di Organizzazione.

After the Master’s Degree in Public Relations and Media Studies and an international education, she undertakes several professional experiences abroad, both in the public sector and in the Institutional Philanthropy field.

Within the years, she gains a vast experience in the organization of events and conferences, focusing above all on the management and coordination of international projects as well as partnership development.

Later, she engages in the design and development of professional development and capacity building activities, mostly targeting the non-profit sector (CSR, Public benefit foundations and NGOs).

Marilù Suma is a trainer, Senior Assessor and Coach in More Laboratorio di Organizzazione.

She provides consultancy and training and runs strategic workshops, focused on defining corporate vision and mission and redefining corporate structures.

She designs and implements development and talent management systems, looking at processes and the definition of responsibilities.

She has specific expertise in relation to the measurement and improvement of corporate culture.

She is a professional coach and runs coaching projects in companies in a variety of sectors. As a coach, she works on projects aimed at the growth of individuals, both in terms of development and executive coaching, following an ontological - transformational approach.

She has held leading roles in HR for various multinational companies.

Marilù holds ACC Certification (Associate Corporate Coach) with the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Valeria Bille is an Occupational Psychologist and she is specialized in professional training and coaching for managers and directors.

Valeria collaborates with More managing projects and facilitating training sessions both in English and Italian. Valeria provides individual coaching programs and she acts as the reference for More in the United Kingdom.

As an experienced Executive Coach, she also designs and develops initiatives related to organizational development. Her facilitating style is highly engaging and interactive.

Valeria has 14 years’ experience as Talent Development Consultant mostly in the investment banking sector in London. During this period Valeria had the opportunity to gain experience in consulting, training and coaching on senior executives’ leadership, executive development and human resources strategic management.

Valeria is an accredited Executive Coach with the Association for Coaching (AC), the main professional body in the UK.

Valeria is an MBTI Certified Practitioner.

Fabiola Fiorese has been supporting the team of professionals in More Laboratorio di Organizzazione since 2009.

She oversees and coordinates all the administrative activities to ensure the smooth running of projects.

She is the point of reference for all logistical aspects relating to workshops and training at More: from the choice of location to the preparation of training materials.

Fabiola graduated in Communication Sciences in Rome and has gained significant professional experience in publishing, especially in the fashion industry. She has coordinated castings and shoots and carried out press office activities.

Barbara Costa is a consultant in More Organization Laboratory.

After a three-year degree in Business Economics at the University of Naples Federico II, Barbara carried on her master’s studies in International Management at Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Milan, achieving her academic career with a final thesis in Corporate Strategy.

During her professional career, Barbara had experiences in the world of Financial Services within multinational companies such as Deutsche Bank and Sociètè Gènèrale and then landed in the world of consultancy in Accenture in the Operations Industry, coordinating and implementing projects for the reorganization of business processes and operational activities within the world of insurance and banking.

At More Barbara deals with change management projects, driving work groups in the design and implementation of organizational solutions to support the challenges of transformation and change.

Laura De Franceschini has been working in More Laboratorio di Organizzazione since January 2010.

She provides secretarial services in Milan and looks after the management control processes for all More projects.

She coordinates the logistical aspects for More events and training activities: from the choice of location to the preparation of training materials.

In the past she gained significant experience as Executive Assistant at Purina Italia, Zeneca (now AstraZeneca) and Towers Perrin, dealing with customer invoicing and the management and control of the reporting of project profitability.